Our best food yet! Newest Standard and Weight Control batches are here.

What's New: 2025 HP Standard & Weight Control

Hi! You can jump straight to each product below:
Hedgehog Precision Standard Formula
Hedgehog Precision Weight Control Formula
Bulk Rescue and Breeder Packages

We are so thrilled with how these batches turned out, after a very prolonged struggle to line up a facility to produce them (we don't have our own multi-million dollar pet food extrusion line, unfortunately).

We considered a huge compilation of results and feedback from the past three years of using our prior formulations to make these batches even better. We've learned quite a lot more about what proportions of proteins, fats, starches and fibers perform best for hedgehogs, especially for their unique metabolism and digestion. It is honestly incredible what providing enough dietary fiber and reducing excessive protein can do for improving poop! I've never been this happy with hedgehog poop, and subsequently, their clean wheels and feet!

Some other small adjustments you may note: We weren't able to source chitin powder as an additional fiber source this time, but there's plenty still between the insect meal chitin and other fibers. We added a bit of additional calcium and methionine (an essential amino acid) to closer match what we've calculated to be ideal. We also increased the fish oil content to the maximum allowed by our processing - it's still not as high as we'd like (and I promise you can't detect any fish odor) but it's even better than before, because dietary EPA and DHA are so beneficial even if not nutritionally required.

Those are the main adjustments, though we are always striving to learn and improve - I'm sure when we do our next round of production, we'll be able to tweak things to be even better! It has been incredibly fulfilling for us to see our foods pay off in the health and longevity of our hedgehogs here at home, and hope that you're getting to reap those same rewards with your own hedgies. <3

Kimberly & Nathan Halzen,
Founders and Owners of Hedgehog Precision

Image shows an adult hedgehog looking out at the camera from a clear carrier tub.